
Hey everyone. This page is for you, The Divide Community. Its meant to be a Hub for easily accessing information about our local water, especially information relating to GPUD & the fees & rate increases some of you, who don't own a well, have seen on your current water bills. Recently I posted a series of questions I had about the situation on Facebook posed to the community at large & especially to candidates, employees of GPUD & anyone upset with the current state of things to respond to, if they so chose. I decided that, due to the evasion by self proclaimed experts in this issue & interest by the followers on the Facebook group The Divide & an overwhelming amount of information that I never thought I would be expected to personally sort through (it would take years), that building a website was an easier way than trying to maintain one post to keep us all connected on the feedback I got from asking those questions. My hope is that I won't be the only one that gets involved in researching the answers to these questions & that anyone that cares about our vital water resource being managed properly will take on one or several topics to provide me answers with documentation to back them up. Then maybe we can get to the bottom of what is really going on with our water supply. In my opinion based on the reaction to my questions, the current individuals in power & striving for power over this small town board, while they may be very passionate about their views & correct in their veiled statements they use to manipulate & sway the people to their opinions, are not honest & forthright about their real motivations, or the reasons behind these new rates & fees, nor the supposed opposition of these fees. Just because someone says something happened doesn't mean they have proof. I want some documentation to base my opinions on & it would honestly take me years to sort through all this mess on my own. I just hope that you the people of our community know that there are factions out there manipulating this water situation for their own gain. The self proclaimed heros are not what they appear. The people accused by the people raising an out cry are not innocent of their own machinations. Just be really careful how you vote this election because there are individuals behind the scene trying to take the people's voice away who have ulterior motives, agendas & really nasty ways of being. This website is going to be a temporary resource & will only last so long as the people are interested, so read it, tell me what you think & protest at the board meetings, etc. if you aren't happy with how our life giving resource is being manipulated to control us. Water is Life.

My Thoughts

I feel that the amount of water needed to sustain healthy & happy life should be provided safe, clean & free of charge to all good people.

I plan on answering my own questions as much as possible in the coming months & posting what I think on here, but it will take lots of time to research & free time is what I don't have a lot of right now, so any help is appreciated. Feel free to message me on facebook, or send me your opinion on an answer with some paperwork, etc. to back it up at

This website was thrown together quickly & is a work in progress, so check back periodically for more info.

Note ~ Some of the info. I have has been sent via email & text message. I'll endeavor to provide as neutral a view of the information sent to me as possible & let you know what I'm posting that's purely my own opinion based on this overall experience. The original post on Facebook was shared to 3 groups & those responses may not be visible here. I will be paraphrasing my experience with the group The Divide Community Alliance in the future, since I was removed from their page & can no longer view the conversations I had with Cindy Garcia, Mike Saunders, Cathy, Sue, Fran & their supporters on there.

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